I'd do it dude.
Would it matter if there was no return address on the letter?
i've been toying with an idea that i think just might have some legs.
so here i am trotting it out for all of you to consider and comment upon.
for many of us, we are extremely frustrated by the fact that we have no way to communicate with our loved ones still stuck in the organization.
I'd do it dude.
Would it matter if there was no return address on the letter?
yes, he was that radical.
im suggesting he put an end to organised religion with the prophesied destruction of jerusalem , the jewsish system, the old covenant and the temple in the 1st century..
OK so I'll ask it a third time.
Why then did Christ allow Paul to write all that he did about organisational structure of the congregations?
yes, he was that radical.
im suggesting he put an end to organised religion with the prophesied destruction of jerusalem , the jewsish system, the old covenant and the temple in the 1st century..
Village girl , I get what you're saying with the internal faith stuff and the personal connection to god, but are you implying them that paul's writings about congregational structure should note be in the bible, that he was acting on his own?
i,m sure they would like to find out the names of some who post here.
I heard from another poster that they were outed by being snooped on by somebody at another ultra-jw forum. Across continents no less. It happens.
yes, he was that radical.
im suggesting he put an end to organised religion with the prophesied destruction of jerusalem , the jewsish system, the old covenant and the temple in the 1st century..
I get the idea that Jesus railed against the religious leaders of the time, because of the burdens they'd placed on the people with their excessive laws and all that, AND that he told people to follow him.
That's clear.
But if he didn't want organised religion in his name, why would he allow all the stuff Paul wrote about in his letters (congregational organisation, how to be an overseer, etc etc) to be canonised?
breaking news :charity commission takes watchtower to charity tribunal in britain.
two weeks ago we run an article about the abuse case in moston manchester congregation .it would seem that the coverage from the main local newspaper manchester evening news and two national newspapers has alarmed the charity commission the official regulator for charities in england and wales and now for the first time !
they opened an official investigation on both charities ,the local one ,moston congragation and the central one jehovah's witnesses of britain indicating that in their eyes these two are connected and liable for any misconduct .this is the time for a concentrated campaign from all of us to inform the charity commission why the watchtower should not be a called a charity .the article above has a link for the charity commission complaint page .follow it!.
D-dog - SHUSH your genius lips up you mentalist!
Don't give 'em ideas!
yes, he was that radical.
im suggesting he put an end to organised religion with the prophesied destruction of jerusalem , the jewsish system, the old covenant and the temple in the 1st century..
Interesting premise, but how do you explain his messages to the congregations in revelation then, surely if he intended there to be no organised set up, he would've just told them to pack it in and disband ? Or are they not his words?
Or are you saying that all of paul's writings where he talks about congregational procedure and requirements to be an overseer and missionary visits to congregations and what not, are just a power grab and clearly not part of the inspired scripture?
Should the bible canon stop at the end of the gospels?
4 weeks of football and wimbledon tennis in between!?
life is beautiful.. aaahhhh!
i'm so excited!.
Better catch! I'm only going on seeing him tonight, wouldn't have been able to pick him out of a crowd before!
4 weeks of football and wimbledon tennis in between!?
life is beautiful.. aaahhhh!
i'm so excited!.
Has anyone ever seen rio ferdinand and John Turturro in the same room at the same time?
4 weeks of football and wimbledon tennis in between!?
life is beautiful.. aaahhhh!
i'm so excited!.
Dang. Sturridge and Sterling were brilliant.. Good game.